Thursday 21 April 2016

Botany Questions and Answers

1.  DNA structure was discovered by
A. Karl Land Steiner
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Watson and Crick
D. Hargobind Khorana

Ans: C

2.  Fresh foods and fruits contain more of
A. fats
B. vitamins
C. carbohydrates
D. proteins

Ans: B

3.  Human heart contains
A. 2 chambers
B. 3 chambers
C. 4 chambers
D. 6 chambers

Ans: C

4.  Which is the largest organ in human body?
A. lungs
B. liver
C. skin
D. heart

Ans: C

5.  Brain fever is spread to man by
A. mosquito
B. air
C. water
D. house fly

Ans: A

6.  The term chromosome was given by
A. E.G. Balibiani
B. Chargaff
C. W. Waldeyer
D. Watson and Crick

Ans: C

7.  Artificial silk is prepared from
A. wood pulp
B. wool
C. synthetic fibres
D. phloem fibres

Ans: C

8.   Which one of the following is a green house gas
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Ozone
D. Nitrogen

Ans: B

9.  Botanical name of paddy is
A. Tritium vulgare
B. Solanum nigrum
C. Eleusine coracana
D. Oryza sativa

Ans: D

10.  In man the number of chromosome is
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 46

Ans: D

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